Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Jesse Trevino

I revisited one of my favorite artists tonight on the web via an incredible website called Mark Harden's Artchive. Jesse Trevino is from San Antonio and he is one of he most important Hispanic artists living today. I found his art on the web a few years ago and fell in love with it.


Look for Trevino in the list on the left of screen.


Energetic Storyteller, Family Historian & Grebel Lover said...

Awesome artist! I was not familiar with Jesse Trevino but I linked to the site. At first, I thought I misunderstood and he was a photographer! His work is spectacular. He captures reality with the stroke of a brush. Do you own any of his work?

Frank said...

I wish I did own one of his pieces. My favorite by him is "Progresso" I have it as my desktop. I am afraid his art is beyond my humble means.