Saturday, August 2, 2008

Local Color

I got up early to meet the group at South Mountain for a ride on the Desert Classic. I started off riding well but it didn't last. I turned around early from fatigue and a queasy stomach and came back to the casa to hydrate and rest up. Keir was kind enough to escort my wimpy self back to the car. Or, at least, to use me as an excuse to turn around. I believe a long work week and two days of poor nutrition took its toll. Plus, I have been getting tired following the adventures of Amy and Anna this week (so maybe it's their fault).

Amy owns AEC Reprograhics in Flagstaff and does all of my copies and prints for my projects up there. Always fast and excellent service (yes, this is an unashamed plug). This week she is preparing to open a new gallery/store on Leroux in downtown Flag called Local Color between Route 66 and Aspen. The doors should be opening in early September. Be sure to check it out. It gets Five Pinkies (no stars here). All this in addition to training daily for triathlons, running a business, and doing a complete restoration of a house by herself. I get tired just thinking about everything she does.

And, speaking of "local color", Anna is at the annual American Historical Society for Germans from Russia gathering in Casper, Wyoming. She has been updating her blog at Value Meals on the Volga daily and I have been enjoying reading her descriptions of the local interests. You can find her blog at (yes, more shameless pandering). Anna works full time, is an author, editor, president of the local AHSGR chapter, and more. Her blog also receives the coveted Five Pinkies rating. I don't want to be around when her adrenalin runs out.

All this begs the question, where do they get the energy? Well, in true Three Fingered fashion, I hereby volunteer to give all my energy to them. Yes, I will step up and place the onus of "kicking back" upon my broad shoulders. It a tough job but I am willing to do it. For them and for the nation.

1 comment:

Energetic Storyteller, Family Historian & Grebel Lover said...

I accept your energy!!!! School has started in our household and we are ready for all of the energy we can get!